Visaris received two acknowledgments from the Directorate of National Reference Laboratories


BELGRADE 8th June 2020. Visaris company received two acknowledgments for the support of “COVID LABORATORY” during the state of emergency and the global pandemic from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of SerbiaDirectorate for National Reference Laboratories.

Dr. Nenad Dolovac, Director of the Directorate for National Reference Laboratories, thanked Visaris as a member of the “COVID 19 WORKING GROUP” for successfully conducted COVID 19 analyzes and significant contribution through supporting the work of users in the LabiS information system. Support for “COVID LABORATORY” was expressed through the formation of statistical reports on a daily and weekly basis, as well as monitoring the epidemic in the Republic of Serbia by ordering party and municipality. For exceptional personal contribution in the support and analysis of data, the recognition was given to our colleague Veroljub Aksić, senior IT engineer at Visaris.